NAS - Notary's office

Chronology 2011 - 2013
Location Lecce - Centro Storico
Client Private
Architectural Planning Studio SAARI
Site Manager Studio SAARI
Contractor Ebanisteria Zambetta - BA
Electrical Installations Impiantistica Veneziana
Project Status Powered

The project consists in the renovation of a villa from the 60's in the historic centre of Lecce.
Starting with the choice of keeping the outer shell which is of great value, with a preservative restoration, we proceeded by emptying and the redesigning all the interior spaces thus giving them formal and functional features designed to meet the new requirements.
A careful choice of the interior materials has maintained the consistency with the original shell.
The inner courtyard has been redesigned with the addition of a fountain that can be seen from all the different parts destined to the reception, thus becoming a central element of the building.